Friday, January 30, 2009

On Modeling

I've been slacking this week with my modeling, although in my defense my wife and I went to our karate class every night and i've got the bruises and sore neck to prove it. Not to mention my training game on Monday with my local PG.

Anyhoo, I've got two models coming today @ my LGS, Sunshine Adventure Gaming. I've got the Trollkin Hero in all his top-knot glory as well as a Stone Scribe Chronicler.
I think they will be built tonight and possibly decorative-basing done.

Then I will begin my Greenstuff work. I've got some ginormous gaps to fill with Greenstuff. Particularly, I'm concerned about my Earthborn Dire Troll, I need to strengthen those joins as I didn't pin his fat-ass.
Some others of note are my Longriders, thank Dhunia that the gaps are in the yak-fur and easy to hide. Pyre Troll #2 - in his wrists. Dire Troll Mauler - especially his headspikes, will have to be careful to blend it well onto the model.

After Greenstuffing (hopefully a short process) I can add sand to the bases then prime them! Woot!

If i have time after basing and priming, I may be able to finish the models I started forever ago, my two Impalers, Axer, Madrak, Kenny and Borka.

I need to slow down on my purchases or I'll never get these guys painted

In other news I want to pick up a Dire Troll Blitzer and Alten Ashley.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Revised Borka Molotov Cocktails

Faction: Trollblood
Points: 498
Model Count: 18
Victory Points: 18

Borka Kegslayer
> Pyg Keg Carrier
Pyre Troll
Pyre Troll
Fell Caller
Krielstone Bearer & Stone Scribes [4] (0 added)
Trollkin Champions [5]
Trollkin Long Riders [4] (1 added)

I think the Champs need the Fell Caller a lot more than they needed the Swamp Gobbers

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

My Goal

My goal for the next tourney.
I plan on winning one game.
I will not go 0-3. I will be more than happy with 1-2. :)
I will be a good sport, but I will not be so much of a "nice guy"
I will call my opponent on it when he/she is not playing by the rules of the tournament.
I will bring over the TO in the event my opponent continues to bend/skirt around the rules of thr tourney.
I will win at least one game.

I need to come up with a second list.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Two Games against Obi Wan and Padme

Played against the local press ganger, Gabe tonight.

He played Cryx - Coven
I made some big mistakes. A.) I separated my army. again. after our last game i swore i would keep my army together because it works better that way and I still fucked this up. B.) I couldn't prioritize my targets. I couldn't decide between Gudrun or the chicken-jack he sent at me. C.) I didn't get Grim in a position to snipe the coven. they are tasty and squishy, I could have taken one out easy just failed to.

His list:
Faction: Cryx
Points: 498
Model Count: 19
Victory Points: 17

Witch Coven of Garlghast
> Egregore
> Deathripper
> Deathripper
> Deathripper
> Nightwretch
> Nightwretch
> Nightmare
Bile Thralls [8] (2 added)
Gudrun the Wanderer

I also played against his girlfriend, Cary.

She played Khador - Sorscha
I played this one much better (I just didn't know how to handle Sorscha's feat). I kept the Earthborn ahead of the champs with the Hero. I kept decent screening of Grim, but unfortunately she got a sliver of a look at Grim's base and laid waste to me. She froze all but two models and I was unaware that I couldn't shoot or cast spells while frozen. doh!

Her list:
Faction: Khador
Points: 489
Model Count: 9
Victory Points: 17

Kommander Sorscha Kratikoff
> Destroyer
> Destroyer
Iron Fang Uhlans [5] (2 added)
Eiryss, Mage Hunter of Ios

I'm getting better I think. I think I'll do better the next tournament, especially if I keep going to Gabe's place and learning more and more.

Storage Issues

Ok, as you can see to the right I did a bunch of modeling this weekend and am at an impasse as to how to store it. here's the problem.

I have an Army Transport that I bought for my 40K orks. all the foam for it is picked to fit my orks. So I *could* buy more foam for my Trollbloods at $10 per tray (prolly about $40 to cover all my hordes stuff). My other options are to continue to use my Army Transport but buy some Battle Foam (prolly 2 trays @ $25 each) for $50. The final option is to buy some rare earth magnets from KJ Magnets, superglue them to the bottom of each model and buy a metal toolbox to store and carry them in ($20-$30 for the transport, $10 for the magnets).

Current Army Transport with Pluck n Pick Foam
+Somewhat cheaper
+Faster than the other options

-Pluck n Pick is a PITA
-Cleaning up after a game is longer

Current Army Transport with BattleFoam
+Fit more models per tray
+Better protection of models
+Able to have multiple heights of models

-Expensive ($25/tray)
-Have to wait for them, I have to trace all my models, fax them, then wait for the quote in response (I think they can fit on two trays, but a third would be $75)

Magnets & Toolbox:
+*Super* easy set up/break down

-Possible that magnets are too strong and i break models
-Possible that magnets are too weak and i break models
-Another damn box in the apartment

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Faction: Trollblood
Points: 489
Model Count: 13

Grim Angus
Troll Impaler
Earthborn Dire Troll
Fell Caller
Trollkin Hero
Trollkin Champions [5]
Stone Scribe Chronicler
Swamp Gobber Bellows Crew

Basic strategy:
Impaler, EBDT, and Grim can sneak off to hide in trees and snipe anything possible. If range is available send EBDT as missle.
Champs, Hero, Fell Caller, Gobbers and Chronicler act as a pure death squad with the Champs leading the charge.

Experimental Borka List...or Molotov Cocktals for EVERYONE!

Faction: Trollblood
Points: 496
Model Count: 20
Victory Points: 19

Borka Kegslayer
> Pyg Keg Carrier
Pyre Troll
Pyre Troll
Krielstone Bearer & Stone Scribes [4] (0 added)
> Stone Scribe Elder [1]
Trollkin Champions [5]
Trollkin Long Riders [4] (1 added)
Swamp Gobber Bellows Crew [2]

Thoughts and strategies:
Each Pyre Troll can (and will) cast its animus on a champion. Borka then casts it on two champs. The stone scribe elder then uses his STR buff so that the champs are now hitting at +4 STR plus concert bonuses. If they charged (instead of being charged) theyre hitting at P+S 12+4 +3D6. Hitting at an average 26. After concert bonuses the final champ hits at STR 12+4+4 +3D6 with an average of 30.
The problem being is that there are a lot of little pieces to come together to make it all work.


In response to the post over @ Getting Small

My Inventory:

Madrak Ironhide
Hoarluk Doomshaper
Borka Kegslayer + Pyg Keg Carrier
Grim Angus

Dire Troll Mauler
Dire Troll Mauler
Earthborn Dire Troll
Troll Axer
Troll Impaler
Troll Impaler
Pyre Troll
Pyre Troll
Winter Troll

Krielstone Bearer & Stone Scribes (full) + Stone Scribe Elder
Trollkin Longriders (full)
Trollkin Champions

Fell Caller

Well, it would seem that I have an affinity for warbeasts...I didn't realize the disparity there. Ive got a pair of new solos on their way (Stone Scribe Chronicler and a Trollkin Hero). Perhaps I would do well to pick up some Pyg Bushwhackers or Burrowers. I don't see the utility of the Kriel Warriors without the Madrak brick which I would prefer not to use. I don't have any interest in Trollkin Scattergunners either.
Anyways Metamorphosis is coming out in a few short weeks. There should be at least one new unit and hopefully another solo.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Revising Grim List

I posted my list on PP's forums to get some feedback on it. The most interesting point that was made was that, as there is only one beast on the list, meaning that if he dies or is full fury or frenzied, I have -zero- damage transfers available to me.
From that nugget, I went ahead and added the normal "Grim auto-include" beast, an Impaler.
Had to drop some to get him in. Which led to a tough decision so I posed the question on Guru Dojo where a Troll-vet (Not Dice) responded and gave me a good piece of advice: Drop the Krielstone Bearer.

This is the list at the moment:

Grim Angus
Earthborn Dire Troll
Troll Impaler
Trollkin Champions
Trollkin Hero
Fell Caller
Stone Scribe Chronicler
Swamp Gobber Bellows Crew

Not Dice also let me know that Concealment and Screening bonuses stack, which means that if I stick Grim in some woods behind the EBDT using the EBDT's ARM stat, he's at 19 DEF, 18 ARM.

I'm looking forward to getting this together and playing Gabe with it next week (hopefully).

Purchases: I've ordered some more models from Sunshine, some will come in this Friday (1/23/09) some next Friday (1/30/09):
  • 1/23/09

    • Pyre Troll x2

    • Stone Scribe Elder

    • Swamp Gobber Bellows Crew

  • 1/30/09

    • Trollkin Hero

    • Stone Scribe Chronicler

In other news, Friday will be a building model night. I've got the following to build:
  • Krielstone Bearer & Stone Scribes (full unit)

  • Hoarluk Doomshaper

  • Trollkin Longriders x2

  • Pyre Troll x2

  • Stone Scribe Elder

  • Swamp Gobber Bellows Crew

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


17 VPs
Grim Angus
Earthborn Dire Troll
Fell Caller
Krielstone Bearer & Stone Scribes [5] (1 added)
Trollkin Champions [5]
Trollkin Long Riders [4] (1 added)

How would this list have worked against the Menoth list last night (knowing what I know now)?
1.) I would have set up to one side of the center. Long Riders would be set in the front with the Fell Caller set behind them. The Champs would then follow aith the KSB crew behind them. Then to one side (not sure) would be Grim + EBDT.
1a.) If I set Grim + EBDT in the center behind the troops, They will have a hard time maneuvering to take the assasination attempt.
1b.) If I set Grim + EBDT to the left side of the troops they would be more vulnerable to assasination from the Holy Hand Grenade guys. Although, Grim can use EBDT's animus to increase his ARM from 15 to 18 and he would be screened (hopefully) by EBDT increasing his DEF from 16 to 18.
1c.) If I set Grim + EBDT to the right side of the troops they would be less vulnerable to the Hand Grenade guys however Vilmon and the Cav may circumvent the troop block.

Letter to Obi-Wan

Ok, went to the TO's house last night and got in a "learning game" against his Menoth (yes, it was recorded in my Win/Loss chart with a large L). He taught me a few crucial lessons:

1.) Do not divide your army unless you will be bringing a superior force, this just allows the opponent to pick you apart piece by piece.
2.) Be mindful of the terrain - both in the game we played and my last game at the tournament I charged my champs up into the exact center to hold the mosh pit. Not necessary, I had room outside the terrain feature that I could still hold the area and be in a better tactical position with my models where they would have their charge lanes unhindered.
3.) Layer attacks. Do not use the army as a bunch of solos, but use them in concert with each other. For example striking first with my Longriders then following up with the champions to clean up what is left.
4.) Be able to deal with certain situations: Infantry heavy hordes (not Hordes) armies and Hard as nails Models (Behemoth, etc.) while still being able to face down the assassination list.

Anyways, this is the email and list I worked up for our next match:
Ok, after our discussion last night I thought about what models kept poppoing up in all the lists:

in no particular order with their benefits:
Krielstone Bearer & Stone Scribes: give a +2ARM buff to protect other models
Trollkin Champions: Concert increases melee effectiveness with each model in line; Brothers in arms increases melee DEF +2; 8hit points per model=40hp unit; very good ginsu unit
Fell Caller: Reville stands up units without having to waste an action or movement; War Cry +2 MAT/RAT buff; Open Road grants pathfinder
Trollkin Longriders: Hard as nails; easy slams; mounts crit knockdown
Swamp Gobbers Bellows Crew: Concealment.

I took those and created a list:
Faction: Trollblood
Points: 497
Model Count: 17
Victory Points: 17

Grim Angus - 13" headhunter range, manhunter knockdown, sees through forests, can allow models in his army see and charge through forests
Earthborn Dire Troll - his interaction with grim allows for possible +4" charge range (12" total), gives Grim +2 armor if in base to base, is able to take out the heavy hitters (behemoth, devout, etc)
Fell Caller - see above
Krielstone Bearer & Stone Scribes [5] (1 added) - see above
Trollkin Champions [5] - see above
Trollkin Long Riders [4] (1 added) - see above

Champs allow me to take on the horde-type infantry with the KSB and Fell Caller backing them up. The long riders would be able to either be the initial strike at such an an army or would be able to come in the flank and mop up what the champs don't kill. Grim and Earthborn would be able to hunt down enemy caster as the Earthborn gives his armor to a model in base contact, protecting Grim. Grim would be able to snipe softer targets while EBDT will be able to smack hardened targets.

I've been thinking a lot about the "layers" you were talking about and I see this list as being able to satisfy that well.


Saturday, January 17, 2009

First Tournament

Played in my first tournament today. Not my best showing.

Game 1 vs. Cygnar-Haley
I knew I would be facing Haley this tourney at least once and I knew I had a very hard time facing her last time. I built my Grim list to face her.
Well, turn 2 I took my shot, I found a line of sight and the range and took a shot at her. POW! 15 damage. Unfortunately she was sitting on one focus...she ran back, hid and healed a bit. He left her open once more and Grim took another crack at her, this time Grim was only able to eke out 3 points of damage and Grim was out in the open. Next turn Grim was dead :( oops.

Lesson taught (not necessarily learned): Don't leave your caster out unless you're 100% sure you'll make your shot.

Game 2 vs. Skorne-Makeda
Played my Grim list again. The scenario was to control slices of the board. I tried a couple shots at Makeda but couldn't make it happen. The last time (again) Grim's dick was hanging in the wind.

Lesson taught (not necessaruly learned, again): See above

Game 3 vs. Cygnar-Stryker
Played Borka. A couple bad moves on my part, I didn't leave Borka out in the open this time but I mis-judged charge range and lanes on an assassination attempt on Stryker. At this time both Winter and Dire Troll Mauler were wiped out along with my Longriders and 40% of my champs.

Lesson taught: It's *just* a game. Don't worry so much.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I am working on a Grim Angus board control army and currently am using the Winter Troll (along with a pair of Impalers). I've also seen other people's lists using pretty much any beast along with Grim.

I see the following beasts as "sympathetic" with Grim and his abilities:
Dire Troll Blitzer - as additional ranged attacks and a beat-stick where necessary
Earthborn Dire Troll - many people (myself included) find it had to leave home without him in tow with his Earthborn Missle
Troll Axer - generally only taken with the Earthborn to add insult to injury (14" charge range).
Troll Impaler - his animus makes him an auto-include (IMO) with any Grim list
Winter Troll - to augment Grim's board control element
Pyre Troll - as additional ranged attacks and a beat-stick where necessary, his AOE will keep opponent's units spread out

Now from that I can pull the models I feel best exemplify the board control element:
Troll Impaler
Winter Troll
Pyre Troll

As we've already covered the Impaler is auto include in my list, my question is this:
Which is your preference in a board control list and why?

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Spoke with the local Press Ganger last night. Learned some new information about the game. I think I want to get over to his place to get some more games in, he is very right that losing is a learning experience but losing to a better player is a much better learning experience.

He commented that with an army you need to find the piece that's broken and abuse it in order to maximise your winning potential. I can take that and extrapolate the thought to "All's fair in Love and War". As long as I'm playing in a "war game" I can play the army I find is the best for the situation and expect that my opponent will do the same.

With that I'm considering my next 500pt army for a tournament:

Grim Angus - 76
Winter Troll - 75
Troll Impaler - 75
Troll Impaler - 75
Trollkin Longriders - 87
Trollkin Champions - 106

12 models, 494 points

Strategy: Grim is the assassin, able to shoot 17" and do a fair amount of damage. He is also skilled at board control. He will tether models as necessary, but most likely be used as the sniper from afar. Impalers are added for their animus and also the knockdown potential. Winter Troll will cast freezer on a longrider or champion (longrider as stated before gives a bigger sphere of "freezing") Grim can also cast the same on another person (in the same or different unit) causing the opponent to engage and freeze in place or not engage and be charged. Longriders can knock down and champs are there to escort Grim. Anything knocked down has a ranged defense of 5, making for easy pickings with Grim, but also anything that may have been screened is now no longer screening.
The weakness would be an anti-ranged list, but perhaps the longriders and champs can mitigate that somewhat.