Tuesday, January 20, 2009


17 VPs
Grim Angus
Earthborn Dire Troll
Fell Caller
Krielstone Bearer & Stone Scribes [5] (1 added)
Trollkin Champions [5]
Trollkin Long Riders [4] (1 added)

How would this list have worked against the Menoth list last night (knowing what I know now)?
1.) I would have set up to one side of the center. Long Riders would be set in the front with the Fell Caller set behind them. The Champs would then follow aith the KSB crew behind them. Then to one side (not sure) would be Grim + EBDT.
1a.) If I set Grim + EBDT in the center behind the troops, They will have a hard time maneuvering to take the assasination attempt.
1b.) If I set Grim + EBDT to the left side of the troops they would be more vulnerable to assasination from the Holy Hand Grenade guys. Although, Grim can use EBDT's animus to increase his ARM from 15 to 18 and he would be screened (hopefully) by EBDT increasing his DEF from 16 to 18.
1c.) If I set Grim + EBDT to the right side of the troops they would be less vulnerable to the Hand Grenade guys however Vilmon and the Cav may circumvent the troop block.

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