Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Call To Arms Final and Random Thoughts

I just realized I have never posted my standing on the Call to Arms league.  Oops.

Well, let’s just say that I got the Mediocrity Award for coming in higher than anyone who only showed up for one night.


Standings at the close of the league:

1. Gabriel A - 63 pts.
2. Stephan C - 48 pts.
3. Cary V - 44 pts.
4. Cesar M - 29 pts.
4. Ed S - 29 pts.
4. Arturo R - 29 pts.
5. Dios C - 23 pts.
6. Ray Guimond - 21 pts.
7. Laz Q - 10 pts.
8. Guy L - 8 pts.
9. Mario M - 5 pts.
10. Steve Q - 4 pts


So yea, I got that going for me…snicker.  I guess I’ll try to get in more 750 point games come May 15th and the next league starts then cherry pick as many points as possible.


Kind of feeling a little burned out on my trolls and I’m really looking forward to getting started with my Menoth force.


Cesar contacted me (being another Hordes-only player) about a game this Thursday at Sunshine ( ).  Hopefully there will be room.  I would like to get in a 750 practice game with him before Schism @ War & Pieces ( ) but if he doesn’t have a 750 point force I think my three lists can be broken down to their basics at 500 points.  (posting my lists next)

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