Sunday, October 27, 2013

2 Weeks of Congress

Ok, so, what I've been up to:
Priming with gesso
A week ago (or so) I primed a few of my trolls in white and started painting one of my impalers. I had watched a video that made glazing seem like the easy way to go in my paint scheme. I was wrong. I started with a base coat too dark and tried to highlight from there as if I was using a layering technique. Epic fail.

So I soaked the impaler in Simple Green. (that stuff is amazing!)

This time I thought I might try gesso to prime. Another fail. I had watched a video on priming with gesso where the guy mixed his gesso with water and matte medium, he was very careful about measuring, I, was not. One chunky primed impaler later and he's back in the simple green bath. Lat night I gave him a fresh prime of straight gesso, liking at him this morning I think I'm gonna stick with spray primer, i have spots that are well primed then others where I can see bare metal through the gesso. I may try some paint on primer in the future.

In the process of reading the PP painting forums I read a comment by Meg Sales(?) staying that the PP studio uses a technique called 2 brush blending to paint their models. Of course I was interested, I checked youtube for tutorials on the process and came across a guy named Brant Benoit. He made it seem simple enough, heck I can do that!  Then offer on handcannon online I was reading some articles by a guy named "ghool", I dropped him an email asking a question then realized they were one in the same. 
Brant has some sound advice and I really appreciate his taking the time to respond to my dumb-ass questions. Here's a link to Brant's youtube channel and his articles over on Hand Cannon Online.

In terms of painting and modeling: 2 Steps forward...3 steps back...

As far as gaming, I haven't been able to get in any games this past week and not today due to a busy life, running a half marathon Saturday morning and all. Hopefully next Friday I'll get out of the house for a game or two. I was able to buy a set of casino dice, they showed up the other day and are damned sexy.
Also, the Red Sox are in the world series, go Sox!

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