Tuesday, February 17, 2009


The last time a game company did new version of the rules for the game I was playing was Warhammer 40k and I got sick of having to relearn the rules and recreating my army because of it I pitched the game for Warmachine/Hordes.

The other reason I got out of 40k was the Ork Codex. I had a good sized army, then they released a new codex for them telling me that I can no longer play the tank i spent weeks working on and that I have to buy 30% more basic troops models at a higher price point than when i originally purchased them.

I hope that doesn't happen with Warmachine Mk.II

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

PP's already stated that no models would be made obsolete, and doesn't tend to encourage 30-man units, so you're pretty safe on those counts ;)

The main thing it looks like they're doing is making 'jacks more integral/viable. Hordes already has mechanics in place to encourage including the big beasties, but being able to play Warmachine without taking a single warjack? Seems counterintuitive to the theme of the damn game.