Sunday, March 29, 2009

Friendly Games @ Home

Rick and his girlfriend, Ashe came by yesterday for a couple games. Rick had been a little down on WM/H and wanted to play fluffy armies outside of the normal league or tourney nights.

I played Ashe first, she wanted to play a 350 point list, I went to the Trollbloods battle box (I hate that battle box, it so boring).

She played:
Faction: Circle Orboros
Points: 355
Model Count: 4
Victory Points: 13

Krueger the Stormwrath
Pureblood Warpwolf

I played:
Faction: Trollblood
Points: 286
Model Count: 4
Victory Points: 11

Madrak Ironhide
Troll Axer
Troll Impaler
Troll Impaler

The game went well. Ashe almost got me, if Kreuger hadn't moved into range of my axer's melee I would have lost. She had her warden and pureblood closing in on Madrak. but Madrak pulled it out and his axer took a swing from behind and sliced Kreuger in half.

Second game against Rick went a little longer (we should play scenario!)

I played:
Faction: Trollblood
Points: 497
Model Count: 11
Victory Points: 18

Hoarluk Doomshaper
Troll Axer
Troll Impaler
Dire Troll Mauler
Earthborn Dire Troll
Krielstone Bearer & Stone Scribes [5] (1 added)
> Stone Scribe Elder [1]

Rick played:
Faction: Protectorate
Points: 494
Model Count: 25
Victory Points: 18

High Executioner Servath Reznik
> Redeemer
> Revenger
> Castigator
High Paladin Dartan Vilmon
Choir of Menoth [6] (2 added)
Holy Zealots [10] (4 added)
> Monolith Bearer [1]

I wrote up an entirely new list because Rick had shown frustration with people who play uber-competitive lists. So I wrote up a very fluffy, beast heaavy list. I marched up the battlefielf slowly, keeping the squishy nougat of Doomy under the Metamorphose and KSB effects. I realized how badass Vilmon was so I avoided him like the plague, so much so that my entire army ended up shifting far to the right to avoid him and also because Reznik was over that direction, hiding, like a little bitch :)
When Vilmon got close enough to Doomy I just said *fuck it* and charged him. One swing with Gnarlroot is all it took. I was very surprised.
I fouled up at the end and instead of charging into the zealots to avoid the goddam firebombs I ran. I could have smoked 7 of them with all Doomy's fury he had camped, causing a command check and being VERY far away from Reznik.

Troll MVP: Dire Trolls (both), they destroyed jacks left and right, at the end all he had left was his Revenger, while I was throwing the Redeemer and Castigator around.
Protectorate MVP: Those goddam Zealots and their bombs.

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