Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Grissel - 500 - W/LR's

Army Points: 491
Victory Points: 18

Name - Cost - VP
Grissel Bloodsong - 70 - 5
Pyre Troll - 68 - 2
Troll Impaler - 75 - 2
Krielstone Bearer and Stone Scribes (8 pts.) [2 added] - 50 - 2
Trollkin Long Riders (26 pts.) [0 added]  87 3
Trollkin Champions - 10 -  3
Fell Caller - 35 - 1

Grissel to sit under KSB aura, champs running as a bodyguard, keeping Longriders close at hand until they are within charge range of the enemy.  Once within charge range (10"+2"Reach) Grissel sings Hoof It on Longriders and casts Flaming Fists on one model.  Sole Long Rider charges into melee at MAT9, P+S 17(?), if within 1/2" yaks get an attack of POW 14 with crit knockdown.  Move Champs into counterattack range should Longrider not take out entire unit.  At the end of turn pull back longriders into KSB aura (hopefully).
If opponent charges champs, longriders counterattack next turn with Heroic Ballad for extra attack or Grissel can sing Heroic Ballad to the Champs to allow them to clear their plates and allow the Longriders to charge something else.
Fell Caller stands things up, gives open road to necessary units.
Impaler, crit slams, increase Grissel's hand cannon range to 16".
Pyre troll doesn't just provide animus, also AOE and melee if necessary.

Missing out on 16 wounds (3 longriders vs. 5 champs), 2 models, and possibly 7 attacks (14 under feat turn)

Able to engage first and bring the fight to the enemy rather than vice-versa.  Bigger KSB aura than my main Grissel list, which could lead to more ablative wounds if Grissel is being threatened.

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