I'm considering starting a Warmachine army after we get more info on Mark II. I'm considering the following with my personal pro's and con's:
Menoth -
Pro's - who doesn't like religious fanatics with swords, bombs and flamethrowers? I like the recycling effects of the High Reclaimer and Testament of Menoth. The jacks looks absolutely beastly.
Con's - from what I've read they can be a finnikey army to play, not absolutely straightforward and could have a long adjustment time. Lots of fiddley bits that need painting.
Cryx -
Pro's - Skarre-bomb. Nightmare. Rengrave. Revenant Crew (the recycling thing is really cool). Tartarus. Great Rack.
Con's - Bane Knights changes in MKII, not sure how this staple unit will work post MKII. Lack of (imo) cool looking jacks.
Khador -
Pro's - Big-badass jacks. they hit HARD. they can take a beating. Sorscha's feat is awesome in a bottle. Kharchev looks like a lot of fun to play as does the Butcher.
Con's - Big-badass jacks. they move slow. no light jacks. the Manowars look goofy, Fenris looks silly and I don't think the Doom Reavers fit the style of the army at all.
Can anyone provide me with any insight in how you think these three factions will work out in MKII and how they play currently?
Of those 3 Khador is the easiest to master and learn to play well. Menoth can be very tricky, I took them because I liked the back story but have found them hard to manage. The key to Menoth is 'synergy' all units work better in groups not individually. Khador/Cryx units can go toe-to-toe Menoth can't and our Heavy Warjacks have DEF 10 which is piss poor.
If you like Heavy Warjacks go with Khador. If you like infantry go with Menoth (we have the best). If you like nasty combos go with Cryx
Menoth plays alot like Trolls do. So if you like how trolls roll then go Menoth.
If you want something different any of the other three will do. I myself went with a Bart shooty army, and have since gotten Ashlynn as my second caster, and will be ordering the Rhulic battlebox in a few weeks.
Play whichever one you like the models for. If you're not digging the models, you won't put in the same effort to get them done, the results will be poorer in comparison, and you'll be less satisfied when you put them on the table.
Menoth has some nice straightforward stuff, just as much as it has tricksy hobbits. If you're used to working out synergies with Trolls, I don't think you'd have that much trouble figuring out Menoth. Heck, we even have a bunch of models with Tough to help you feel at home :P
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