Monday, March 30, 2009

Stupid question...

When facing a full unit of Protectorate Zealots is it best to run from them and hope to get out of range of their bombs or dive in (with your ‘caster/’lock) and lay waste?


I ask as I was faced with the decision this weekend in the game against Rick and I chose to run however with Hoarluk’s Gnarlroot staff I think I could have taken out a good deal of them and hopefully cause a command check.  However I ran.  And got explodey-fied.  Whoosh!  Up in flames.


TheGreatBlah said...

I like to knock them down, often I will toss my Kriel Warriors at them with my Dires. Trample doesn't work well against them so I try to mess them up. The Elder Stone Scribe aura making you immune to blast damage is downright spectacular against Menoth.

Ray Guimond said...

Why doesn't trample work against them? because of the ARM bonus they get after the first one dies (when the MB is on the board)?
for all intents and purposes isn't it possible to just trample through the MB then onto the little guys and deal with the speed, but much squishier guys?

Bloomfield Cricket Club said...

Just as long as the MB doesnt use his special ability and make them all invulnerable.

TheGreatBlah said...

Well the menoth players I play against generally put the MB in the back so youd have to trample over a few of them to get to him. An EBDT trampling will still kill them even with the armor buff though.

Bloomfield Cricket Club said...

Yeah standard deployment for Zealots is a T formation with the unit leader and MB at the base of the stem and at least 2 inches between every model. You only bring them closer together when you hv the invulnerable ability on them