Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Just read over on Trollblood Scrum!!! (http://trollbloodscrum.blogspot.com/2009/03/trollblood-trample.html) about Trolls trampling and how TheGreatBlah used it to take out a group of Bane Knights.
I'm curious how Bane Knight Shadow Shift works in that instance.  Are they "directly hit" and if so what's to stop a player who has one model hit with the trample from moving the next model out of the Trample lane?
Thinking now, Trample will not work with the Axer's Rush animus because Rush does not give the choice and a charge is not a Trample attack.
I really like the tactic and never thought of combining Snacking with Trample.
I think I may put it to use with my Grim list this week at league.
Would it be worth it to build an army around this tactic? 
Grim Angus - Bait the Line, Eagle Eye, Trailblazer
Earthborn Dire Troll - +2" SPD when within 1" of rough terrain
Pyre Troll - +2STR (possible crit fire)
(there's gotta be a model who buffs the EBDT's MAT or debuffs enemy DEF, I just can't think of it right now)
Also, small based models who get trampled but not "hit" should be knocked down. 
And another thing, Grissel's Hoof it would be sick with this if she could affect a warbeast with it :(  (7-8" trample, additional attacks, after everyone moves, beast could then disengage without freestrikes)


TheGreatBlah said...

He had 29 Bane Knight and got a few out of the way and used the rest to try and kill the Earthborn. It was a miracle the EBDT even survived.

TheGreatBlah said...

Oh, and Lock the Target from Grim Angus will lower the model/unit defense by 2