Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Pretty Woman

I've been speaking with my local PG (aka: Gabe, aka: Obi Wan).  He's at a loss as to why i'm losing so often, and he's contacted a buddy of his who is a good Troll player.  He came back with at 500 points I should be playing the one caster I don't own.  lol.
I've given Grissel Bloodsong a closer look and I see some cool abilities with her.  I think she will be my girl at 500 points and Grim as well.
At 500 points Trolls don't do well because their cheapest warbeast is 68 points, beasts are necessary as damage transfers and fury generation, but at 500 points it is difficult to take more than two and not hamstring your army.  Grissel does better because she is a Fell Caller.  She is able to "cast spells" without using fury by singing her Fell Calls.  As a matter of fact she has more Fell Calls than she does spells.  She synergizes well with troops due to the nature of her Fell Calls, so those can be taken in abundance with her.
Speaking with him and reviewing the models in my collection and what models are available to the Trolls currently, he and I have worked up the following list:
Name Cost VP
Grissel Bloodsong 70 5
Troll Axer 72 2
Fell Caller 35 1
Trollkin Hero 38 1
Trollkin Champions 106 3
Trollkin Champions 106 3
Krielstone Bearer and Stone Scribes (8 pts.) 50 2
Stone Scribe Elder 18 1

So I'll be testing this list this Thursday if Gabe can loan me the Champs and Grissel I need (Grissel is on Order, Champs will be in my next order).
Tags: Purchases, Trollbloods

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