Monday, February 23, 2009

Tournament #2 Recap

Didn’t meet my goal for tourney #2, went 0-3 again.  I played well in the first two games but my third game I fell apart, playing my second list thinking it would work better for the scenario.


List 1:

Grim Angus

Troll Impaler

Dire Troll Mauler

Fell Caller

Trollkin Champions

Kreilstone Bearer & Stone Scribes (6)

Swamp Gobber and Bellows Crew

Alten Ashley, Monster Hunter


List 2:

Borka Kegslayer

Pyg Keg Carrier

Pyre Troll

Pyre Troll

Trollkin Champions

Krielstone Bearer & Stone Scribes (4)

Stone Scribe Elder

Stone Scribe Chronicler

Fell Caller

Brun Cragback



In typing those out I do not have my books or cards with me, but I have a sneaking suspicion I was over on points on my second list.  Shit.


Game 1 vs. Khador:

I played list 1

Guy played Vlad

Scenario was Process of Elimination.  He capped the two territories on my right and almost had the last one on my left but his mortar crew never moved up allowing my Dire Troll Mauler to capture it and contest it from him.  We went to time, I had at that point thrown my champs at Vlad in the hopes of knocking him down a couple of hit points.  No. Such. Luck.  In charging Vlad I had to disengage the Doom Reavers who had charged my Champs which of course killed a few.  I played well, I bricked up from the get-go with the exception of Alten Ashley who was far out in right field.  He got smoked after one attempted shot @ Fenris.  When time was called he had two territory points to my one.


MVP: Kreilstone Bearer & Stone Scribes - +2 ARM essentially gave all my units an additional wound every turn.


Game 2 vs. Skorne:

I played list 1 again

Stephan played Makeda

Scenario was Control the Squares(?) (where there are two rows of three squares (16”x14”)  and you had to control two of the ones on your side and one on your opponents side at the end of your third turn)  And.I.Blew.It. The end of my third turn if I had move my Fell caller Back 3” I would have won.  The end of his third turn he could have won but instead charged in his Cyclops.  The remainder of the game was trying to figure out if I wanted his Praetorians to smack Grim with or without free strikes from my Earthborn.  Either way Grim got poked like a pincushion.


MVP: None.  Everyone underperformed after I fucked up the scenario.


Game 3 vs. Cryx

I played list 2

Chris (Lakeland) played Asphyxious

Scenario was Mosh Pit.  I for some reason continue to think that Borka is the caster to play for this scenario.  Anyways, I think I had too many models on the table in this scenario.  Or I just fouled up the points something hardcore.  Either way, we played, and just like the last game I played against Cryx I underestimated the Bane Knight shadow shift.  I boosted up the strength of my Champs and got ginsu’d.  I should have used my pyre trolls from as far as possible and just laid out AOEs until I was in melee.  Next time Chris, next time J  And I promise not to cheat next time (I need to recheck that list).


MVP: Brun & Lug.  Wow, those guys are beat-sticks.  Flank on both of them, Brun gets Weapon Master.  Basically Brun runs up and casts Bear Hands on himself, takes a swing at the target.  If he hits it’s knocked down.  Lug runs up and starts wailing away at it getting a flank bonus.  Alternatively Lug can run up first, bear hands, knock down the enemy, smack with the rest of his hits plus fury for 3 additional hits, then Brun runs up and gets a charge bonus, flank bonus, and weapon master bonus.    Things don’t live long with these two in melee.  The only thing is I need to remember when to rile and leech fury and upkeep his spells.


Tags: After Action Report, vs. Khador, vs. Skorne, vs. Cryx


Plodolo said...

I dont know what to say man. Practice Scenarios. In our game, I knew what to do because i had played the scenario. The first time I played it, I setup like you. I figured "I can control these two and blah blah blah. After my opponent took two territories off the bat. he murdered everyone on the third and won. I immediately saw the opening for 2 territories and took it. I know trolls brickup but maybe not always.

Ray Guimond said...

I've played that scenario before and it's the one I have the hardest time with due to the fact that "bricking up" is my sole ability to make it upfield without being mauled.