Friday, November 21, 2008

Cygnar Rematch

I've challenged the Cygnar (Haley) player I played last monday to a rematch. I think even with him taking solos I can beat him. I just need a clear shot at Haley when I'm standing still and I know I can do some damage.

I need 17" and a clear line of sight (13" normal, +4 with Impaler's Far Reach animus).

RAT 7 (9 standing still), means I hit Haley on 9/7 (I think she's DEF 16). And the Headhunter should be able to pound her. If she's not accessible, I'm going to see about tossing my Axer or Impaler in her direction.

I know she's going to be Temporal Barrier-ing all over the place, 14" radius of trudging. I need to get through that. As I will not be able to charge through it (unless I can get her 12-14" close without her TB up or I have to shoot her with Impaler and Headhunter.

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