Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Letter to Obi-Wan

Ok, went to the TO's house last night and got in a "learning game" against his Menoth (yes, it was recorded in my Win/Loss chart with a large L). He taught me a few crucial lessons:

1.) Do not divide your army unless you will be bringing a superior force, this just allows the opponent to pick you apart piece by piece.
2.) Be mindful of the terrain - both in the game we played and my last game at the tournament I charged my champs up into the exact center to hold the mosh pit. Not necessary, I had room outside the terrain feature that I could still hold the area and be in a better tactical position with my models where they would have their charge lanes unhindered.
3.) Layer attacks. Do not use the army as a bunch of solos, but use them in concert with each other. For example striking first with my Longriders then following up with the champions to clean up what is left.
4.) Be able to deal with certain situations: Infantry heavy hordes (not Hordes) armies and Hard as nails Models (Behemoth, etc.) while still being able to face down the assassination list.

Anyways, this is the email and list I worked up for our next match:
Ok, after our discussion last night I thought about what models kept poppoing up in all the lists:

in no particular order with their benefits:
Krielstone Bearer & Stone Scribes: give a +2ARM buff to protect other models
Trollkin Champions: Concert increases melee effectiveness with each model in line; Brothers in arms increases melee DEF +2; 8hit points per model=40hp unit; very good ginsu unit
Fell Caller: Reville stands up units without having to waste an action or movement; War Cry +2 MAT/RAT buff; Open Road grants pathfinder
Trollkin Longriders: Hard as nails; easy slams; mounts crit knockdown
Swamp Gobbers Bellows Crew: Concealment.

I took those and created a list:
Faction: Trollblood
Points: 497
Model Count: 17
Victory Points: 17

Grim Angus - 13" headhunter range, manhunter knockdown, sees through forests, can allow models in his army see and charge through forests
Earthborn Dire Troll - his interaction with grim allows for possible +4" charge range (12" total), gives Grim +2 armor if in base to base, is able to take out the heavy hitters (behemoth, devout, etc)
Fell Caller - see above
Krielstone Bearer & Stone Scribes [5] (1 added) - see above
Trollkin Champions [5] - see above
Trollkin Long Riders [4] (1 added) - see above

Champs allow me to take on the horde-type infantry with the KSB and Fell Caller backing them up. The long riders would be able to either be the initial strike at such an an army or would be able to come in the flank and mop up what the champs don't kill. Grim and Earthborn would be able to hunt down enemy caster as the Earthborn gives his armor to a model in base contact, protecting Grim. Grim would be able to snipe softer targets while EBDT will be able to smack hardened targets.

I've been thinking a lot about the "layers" you were talking about and I see this list as being able to satisfy that well.


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