Monday, January 26, 2009

Two Games against Obi Wan and Padme

Played against the local press ganger, Gabe tonight.

He played Cryx - Coven
I made some big mistakes. A.) I separated my army. again. after our last game i swore i would keep my army together because it works better that way and I still fucked this up. B.) I couldn't prioritize my targets. I couldn't decide between Gudrun or the chicken-jack he sent at me. C.) I didn't get Grim in a position to snipe the coven. they are tasty and squishy, I could have taken one out easy just failed to.

His list:
Faction: Cryx
Points: 498
Model Count: 19
Victory Points: 17

Witch Coven of Garlghast
> Egregore
> Deathripper
> Deathripper
> Deathripper
> Nightwretch
> Nightwretch
> Nightmare
Bile Thralls [8] (2 added)
Gudrun the Wanderer

I also played against his girlfriend, Cary.

She played Khador - Sorscha
I played this one much better (I just didn't know how to handle Sorscha's feat). I kept the Earthborn ahead of the champs with the Hero. I kept decent screening of Grim, but unfortunately she got a sliver of a look at Grim's base and laid waste to me. She froze all but two models and I was unaware that I couldn't shoot or cast spells while frozen. doh!

Her list:
Faction: Khador
Points: 489
Model Count: 9
Victory Points: 17

Kommander Sorscha Kratikoff
> Destroyer
> Destroyer
Iron Fang Uhlans [5] (2 added)
Eiryss, Mage Hunter of Ios

I'm getting better I think. I think I'll do better the next tournament, especially if I keep going to Gabe's place and learning more and more.


Gabriel said...

This is theorymachine for me since I have yet to play a game, but from what I've read I think it's probably better to try and take out the Cryx arc nodes if given the choice between that or trying to kill Gudrun. Gudrun is there primarily to absorb some punishment and if you let Cryx get their arc nodes where they want it's going to be a hard fight to win.

Anonymous said...

I'll be playing against Sorscha this weekend, so I feel your pain. The only obvious things I know to do against her is stay our of her control range (and with Wind Rush good luck with that) or out of her LOS. If anyone else has discoverd some interesting strategies, I'm all ears! (I'll write up a battle report, with pics, this weekend)

Ray Guimond said...

@ Gabriel - yea, like I said Gudrun was almost immediately threatening Grim, had I set up better, this wouldn't have been an issue. Following your theorymachine I could have had my EBDT toss the robo-chicken at Gudrun, negating both of them for a turn.

@ Red - Layering my forces would have been the best. I didn't realize how much movement Sorscha received from Wind Rush. Next time my caster will not be left hanging. I seem to have an issue with letting Grim try to get the best shots he can and hanging him out in the wind.