Friday, January 30, 2009

On Modeling

I've been slacking this week with my modeling, although in my defense my wife and I went to our karate class every night and i've got the bruises and sore neck to prove it. Not to mention my training game on Monday with my local PG.

Anyhoo, I've got two models coming today @ my LGS, Sunshine Adventure Gaming. I've got the Trollkin Hero in all his top-knot glory as well as a Stone Scribe Chronicler.
I think they will be built tonight and possibly decorative-basing done.

Then I will begin my Greenstuff work. I've got some ginormous gaps to fill with Greenstuff. Particularly, I'm concerned about my Earthborn Dire Troll, I need to strengthen those joins as I didn't pin his fat-ass.
Some others of note are my Longriders, thank Dhunia that the gaps are in the yak-fur and easy to hide. Pyre Troll #2 - in his wrists. Dire Troll Mauler - especially his headspikes, will have to be careful to blend it well onto the model.

After Greenstuffing (hopefully a short process) I can add sand to the bases then prime them! Woot!

If i have time after basing and priming, I may be able to finish the models I started forever ago, my two Impalers, Axer, Madrak, Kenny and Borka.

I need to slow down on my purchases or I'll never get these guys painted

In other news I want to pick up a Dire Troll Blitzer and Alten Ashley.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great blog! Keep up the good work! Thanks for following my blog and it does not surprise me you have lost two to the mighty Protectorate! (LOL just teasing you!)