Monday, January 26, 2009

Storage Issues

Ok, as you can see to the right I did a bunch of modeling this weekend and am at an impasse as to how to store it. here's the problem.

I have an Army Transport that I bought for my 40K orks. all the foam for it is picked to fit my orks. So I *could* buy more foam for my Trollbloods at $10 per tray (prolly about $40 to cover all my hordes stuff). My other options are to continue to use my Army Transport but buy some Battle Foam (prolly 2 trays @ $25 each) for $50. The final option is to buy some rare earth magnets from KJ Magnets, superglue them to the bottom of each model and buy a metal toolbox to store and carry them in ($20-$30 for the transport, $10 for the magnets).

Current Army Transport with Pluck n Pick Foam
+Somewhat cheaper
+Faster than the other options

-Pluck n Pick is a PITA
-Cleaning up after a game is longer

Current Army Transport with BattleFoam
+Fit more models per tray
+Better protection of models
+Able to have multiple heights of models

-Expensive ($25/tray)
-Have to wait for them, I have to trace all my models, fax them, then wait for the quote in response (I think they can fit on two trays, but a third would be $75)

Magnets & Toolbox:
+*Super* easy set up/break down

-Possible that magnets are too strong and i break models
-Possible that magnets are too weak and i break models
-Another damn box in the apartment

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