Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I am working on a Grim Angus board control army and currently am using the Winter Troll (along with a pair of Impalers). I've also seen other people's lists using pretty much any beast along with Grim.

I see the following beasts as "sympathetic" with Grim and his abilities:
Dire Troll Blitzer - as additional ranged attacks and a beat-stick where necessary
Earthborn Dire Troll - many people (myself included) find it had to leave home without him in tow with his Earthborn Missle
Troll Axer - generally only taken with the Earthborn to add insult to injury (14" charge range).
Troll Impaler - his animus makes him an auto-include (IMO) with any Grim list
Winter Troll - to augment Grim's board control element
Pyre Troll - as additional ranged attacks and a beat-stick where necessary, his AOE will keep opponent's units spread out

Now from that I can pull the models I feel best exemplify the board control element:
Troll Impaler
Winter Troll
Pyre Troll

As we've already covered the Impaler is auto include in my list, my question is this:
Which is your preference in a board control list and why?

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