Saturday, March 14, 2009

Call to Arms Week 4

Game 1 vs. Stephan (Skorne)

Troll list:
Faction: Trollblood
Points: 491
Model Count: 18
Victory Points: 18

Grissel Bloodsong, Fell Caller
Pyre Troll
Troll Impaler
Fell Caller
Krielstone Bearer & Stone Scribes [6] (2 added)
Trollkin Champions [5]
Trollkin Long Riders [3] (0 added)

Stephan's list
Faction: Skorne
Points: 495
Model Count: 12
Victory Points: 18

Lord Tyrant Hexeris
Basilisk Krea
Cyclops Brute
Titan Cannoneer
Extoller Soulward
Paingiver Beast Handlers [6] (2 added)

Scenario was Engines of Destruction.  Win condition was to have a beast completely with an 8" circle from the middle of the board. Stephan was (obviously) running a much beast-heavier list than I was.  I won first turn and ran forward just outside of the zone.  he did much the same.  Second turn saw my Impaler and Pyre step into the scoring zone.  Some skirmishing took place, if I remember correctly the longriders got smoked this turn.  The game (as is normal with Stephan and I) turned into a big scrum in the middle.  The game came down to him having the only beasts alive in the center.  Overall great game, a couple points it could have gone either way had certain things happened.

Game 2 vs. Steve (Circle of Orboros)
Faction: Circle Orboros
Points: 492
Model Count: 8
Victory Points: 18

Kromac the Ravenous
> Kromac the Ravenous (Beast Form)
Gnarlhorn Satyr
Pureblood Warpwolf
War Wolf
War Wolf

Scenario was Wicked Wilderness (caster kill and Fearless models lose this ability).  Steve is a new player to our group and new to the game, prolly his fourth or fifth game.  I played my grissel list and asked him before the game if he'd like me to playe beast-heavier list (would broke out my Grim, Axer, EBDT list) he declined.  So we played and damn did he surprise me.  Circle is full of surprises and I have yet to have a game where Circle did not astonished by how many tricks they have up their sleeve.  I also have never played against Kromac or the warp-wolfies.  About turn 2 he turned the Pureblood animus on my champs (which of course only worked on this scenario), and of course my champs failed on boxcars.  champs ran one turn then rallied immediately.  Thank dog they were in forest to slow their retreat.  Then on top of that the next turn Kromac did his alley-oop over my pyre troll between Grissel, Pyre Troll, Impaler and some Champs and smacked the shit out of Grissel.  Again, I'm lucky he ran out of fury to keep pumping out attacks and that Grissel was under the Krielstone aura.  My next turn the Fell Caller stepped to the side and took two swings at Kromac, both missing.  Grissel stepped to the side giving her 2" reach a range to Kromac and still allowing my Impaler a shot should I need it and room for a couple Champs to slide in if still needed. Grissel took a couple swings and it was over.

Trolls 1-1

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