Monday, March 2, 2009

Grissel List Evolution

Messaging Not Dice through the Guru Dojo ( has helped me think more about my lists. 
I've got a tourney this Saturday, what do I expect to see?  I expect to face a Khador list (there are two players in my League Group and at least two if not three in the Tourney Crew) so I should see Drakhun, Sorscha and Vlad.  I will see a Cygnar player (again two of 'em) so Haley will be a pain as will most likely Striker and Caine.  Cryx, we have one Cryx player who I expect to see bane Knight Spam and Skarre from.  Skorne, Most likely Morghoul and Makeda.  There's one Circle player who is mainlining Baldur so it will be imperative that I get first turn and get to whatever scenario zone there is ASAP.  Our Legion player is playing sporadically so I don't think he'll be playing in the league this week, but he will most likely be playing this Saturday for the tourney, I expect to see Saeryn and her no-melee feat.  He is also a fan of Rhyas.  I'm not overly familiar with those two so I will have to do my reading...
With those in mind I'm looking towards running the following lists this weekend at the tourney (to be table tested this Thursday at league)
Grissel Evo III
Points - 494/500
VP's - 18
Grissel Bloodsong - 70
Pyre Troll - 68
Troll Impaler - 75
Fell Caller - 35
Trollkin Champions - 106
Trollkin Champions - 106
Kreilstone Bearer & Stone Scribes - 34
Grim Melee
Points - 500/500
VP's - 18
Grim Angus - 76
Troll Impaler - 75
Dire Troll Mauler - 111
Trollkin Champions - 106
Fell Caller - 35
Krielstone Bearer & Stone Scribes (full) - 50
Swamp Gobbers Bellows Crew - 15
Alten Ashley, Monster Hunter - 32

1 comment:

Plodolo said...

Why are you playing Alten? there's 3 Hordes players and 5 WM players. I wonder which list your gonna use against me? ;P

Alten actually has disapointed me. He's ok but he's no Eiryss. A branch of damage sounds cool but with the ability to heal it's not much of a big deal. Maybe it's just me but *shrug*