Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Muddying the waters

I've tried my hardest to keep this blog strictly about my Troll experiences but I'm completely enamored with the new MKII rules and my new Menoth army.

So here's the scoop. For the next three days (until the poll is closed) I think I'll post up my thoughts and experiences with my MKII Menoth army (and probably just copy the posts over to my Menoth blog when it's up and running).

*    *    *

So I got hooked on Menoth. What did it? Well just like the Trolls it was the models that sucked me in. First and foremost, this guy:

The Guardian. Followed closely by the Dervish, Devout, Revenger, Avatar of Menoth ad nauseaum.

Then I started reading the fluff. Wow. Some really cool stuff going on there. The first model to catch my eye was the High Reclaimer, or as I have come to know him, Silent Bob

In choosing a Warmachine army I really liked the recycling of Cryx and Menoth, but the Menoth jacks did it for me and Bob made the choice complete. Then I discovered the dirty little girls of Menoth. Harbinger and Feora and they totally sealed the deal.
*    *    *

Skip ahead a bit, I purchased a Menoth army from a local player looking to get out of WM and get season tix to the Dolphins (I think we all know who won out in that exchange!).


Anonymous said...

Good God. WM or freaking NFL? Lets see...have great fun with cool people using your brain, or bake our brain in the sun with a bunch of drunking idiots.

Score one for you man.

Anonymous said...

See, now, you've got a Troll blog and you're leaning towards Menoth... I've got a (nominally) Menoth blog, and I'm leaning towards Trolls...
Maybe we should just trade URLs for a month ;)