Thursday, April 2, 2009

Borka @ 500 Points

I’m thinking of running Borka tonight.  No league tonight, last week was fun games and medal ceremony for Call to Arms.  This week is just pick up games.

If you remember correctly Cary and her Sorscha list wrecked me last week.  Eek.


I’m thinking of running Borka, I testing some fundamentals of one of my schism lists: Mosh Pit + Freezer + 2 units of Champs


Right now the list for tonight is looking like this:


Borka Kegslayer

>Kenny, Pyg Keg Carrier

Winter Troll

Dire Troll Mauler

Trollkin Champions

Trollkin Champions


Why did I choose the beasts I did?  1.) Winter troll.  I am in love with freezing my opponent.  I charge my champs in and cast Freezer on them.  You now either run away and take a free strike or you stay put, get pushed from Mosh pit and get autohit on a free strike then I move in and autohit you on my next turn.  2.) Dire Troll Mauler.  I still love the look of this model.  It was the selling point of Trolls for me.  The animus is cool and he’s got a lot of damage transfer if needed.  And the option of the Borka Bomb is still there.


This puts me with 28 points leftover.  I’m not sure what to add.

Stone Scribe Chronicler – Protection turn 1, +2 attack and additional damage die turn 2, Parting Blow on turn 3.  The turn 2 portion is a little situational because the champs would have to be in range of something that a full blooded troll has melee range to.

Swamp Gobbers Bellows Crew – Protection, not overly effective against Legion, but then again, not many Legion players in my group


The final option would be to swap out the Dire Troll Mauler for an Impaler or Pyre Troll.  Impaler would work well with the Chronicler as he would be able to be in melee with more than most other models due to reach and the Pyre Troll would allow me to field a unit of Krielstone Bearer & Stone Scribes to protect myself a bit more.


Anonymous said...

Great write up Ray! Keep it up!

TheGreatBlah said...

I'd say Gobbers over a Chronicler any day. After about a dozen games with my Chronicler I just couldn't master him, far too situational for me when I can just drop a 5" smoke cloud every turn with Gobbers.