Sunday, April 19, 2009

Schism Results

Played the Schism tourney @War & Pieces yesterday and had a blast!
I played three games, the first against Joey, the store owner with his Darius Cygnar list and the last two against Ian and his Testament of Menoth Protectorate list.

I want to say this now, I could have cleaned up for the survivor medal but I didn't even think about it, I went in to have fun. At the end of the 2nd game I realized I had a shot at it, but because my first game went so long and my second game I sacrificed my Earthborn I failed :(

Here's what I should have done:
1.) I should have decided on winning that medal prior to the tournament.
2.) Run all my lists beast heavy. at 750, I can run Borka with 4 heavies and 3 lights for 18 VPs. At that point it's all about sacrificing your Warlock. Run him up to your opponent's warcaster and he has two choices. A.) allow you to walk up to his caster and beat him down at full fury and get all the VPs or B.) Kill your lone warlock and you still get the VPs.
3.) In all my games, i needed to sack my warlock. just as above, run him up, screaming and yelling, and collecting VPs.

shoulda-woulda-coulda-but didn't. damn.

I ended up with 16 survivor VPs. The winner of survivor had 22. Not a big margin, had I not sacked my EBDT in game 2 I would have been 3 points closer :)
Im on the lookout for the next one of these. At 750 I should be able to scoop up 18 VPs a game. :)

Oh and for all my hard fighting, I lost all three matches.

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